Season 13 is HERE!

Apply between Nov 25th- Dec 31st at midnight!

Becoming Ultra is embarking on Season 13 with a new format, a new coach, and the same energy that launched the idea more than 7 years ago. We believe that ultra running can be a team sport and that we build more accountability than any other coaching format out there! So, get ready to apply for your first 50k or 50 miler with us in the Pacific Northwest at the Wy’east Wonder with Go Beyond Racing. Read more about the project below!

The Project:

Becoming Ultra takes runners and coaches them up for their first ultra. We usually partner with a race we think is interesting and then we record all of the coaching calls for people out there to learn and get inspired from. We are a full service coaching and live event platform as well but the main project is what you are reading about right now!

Season 13 Details:

This season we have partnered up again with Go Beyond Racing. A husband/wife race directing team based in Oregon. The main difference in this season is that each coach will choose a 50k runner and a first time 50m runner since the featured race has both distances and it will make for more interesting conversations and dynamics with the runners and coaches.

The Race:

Wy-east Wonder is a 50k and 50m that runs beside Mt. Hood in Oregon. Both courses are a net downhill effort which is new for the project. The race date is June 24th and you are committing to being here if you apply! More details below!

You should definitely be running here in 2023!

  • The 50k

    The Wy’east Wonder 50K course is possibly the most scenic race you’ll run. There are so many views of Mt. Hood, as you make your way around from the southern side around to the eastern side of this mountain. You are treated to vistas of eastern Oregon’s desert and the Hood River Valley orchards too. You’ll climb over 4000’ and descend over 7000’ throughout the race!

  • The 50M

    The Wy’east Wonder 50-mile course is stunning. You will have so many views of Mt. Hood, as you make your way from the southern side of the mountain, around to the east. You’ll also be treated to vistas of eastern Oregon’s desert and the Hood River Valley orchards. The single-track is super fun and includes some relatively newly created trails. You’ll climb more than 7000’ and descend more than 10,000’!

Season 13 Coaches


How does it all work?

If you are interested in the race and the project then all you have to do is apply. The application has many details but the main thing is that you can commit to being in Oregon for the race and that you agree to be coached and share your journey via social media.

How much is it?

There is no cost associated with applying but if you do get chosen you are agreeing to pay for the coaching services of your coach. You can see all of the coaches rates on the application page.

NOTE: Travel to the race, registration, lodging, and any other costs associated with the event is up to the runner.

How often do we have to post on social media?

The goal of the posting is the accountability that it builds. We ask our runners to post a couple times per week. That’s it.

Who should apply?

We know for a fact that running is for everyone! That being said, there is a time commitment to the training and the project so if time management isn’t your strong suit the project may be overwhelming. We are honored with every application so if you are on the fence, go for it!

Who are the coaches?

You can learn more by listening to the podcasts of each of the coaches but basically we only work with passionate coaches who want to push and support you to do really big things!

If you have any questions, shoot us a message!

You only get to run your first ultra once, do it with us!